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left for work this morning to the sound of roosters cock-a-doodling.
failed to get a dr apt until Thurs. Off to work. Wish I was at #leweb09. who else is there?
#fedora10 not installing - must have not downloaded the ISO properly - looked nice while it lasted
installing fedora 10 on a VM
note to self: remember to use #otherinbox when regging for webapps
@chrisbrogan - Is that a recent pic? Someone get that man a pint of coffee!
#youversion pretty cool beinga ble to take notes whilst having the bible right there on the pad
used #youversion in church yesterday for the first time
crawl crawl crawl... come on OCR
phew - rather heated comment that... nevermind. Not sure anyone needs an excuse to throw a few rocks my way.
@ryancarson - is an important post. Please keep it up. turn off off cmts if you need to
hey, I think I've figured out why Chrome keeps crashing - it's trying to update and can't get by the firewall. Interesting.
RT @jowyang: Razorfish's @sszd publishes "What if Facebook Connected with Amazon" a must read
does anyone actually use the 'insert' key?
@kentshaffer - don't forget to include the calories you burn off whilst twittering
Woo-hoo! job interview tomorrow!
have to reboot... pc is goin' crazy! resinstall XP please!!!
cup 'o tea and a toffee crisp


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