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Finally, I got my new background image from :)
@JennTex The examples you posted on your blog will be in focus in the next slideshows I will present. Will link back, of course.
@naimul @CiscoGIII Of course, you do, but that's why can also help you how to screen the important twits.
@graceibay Thank you! Just use the #healthcare tag in your twits.
And follow them: @careflash
Had a great Skype talk with Jay Drayer, head of CareFlash. You will be amazed by the power of that patient community:
@naimul Tweetdeck does it for me. I created a Health 2.0 group on Tweetdeck; I use and filter with Friendfeed as well.
@doctoranonymous You deserved it! I've always been a huge fan. I'll never forget when I woke up at 3:00 AM to talk... :)
700th follower and counting...
@Pudliszek How did you define better quality? Factual errors?
@cwhogg It will be changed in a few hours to my new Twitterimage background :)
@luisalcaraz @agouveia @SusannahFox @laikas @rlbates @carlosrizo: I'm really glad you liked it! Stay tuned for the next ones as well.
And now for something completely different... Dinner.
@rachel_w I think librarians are really doing their best. The problem is not about librarians or patients, but about doctors...
RT @malburns: 2008 Educators in Second Life Survey
@diariomedico Thank you! I will post the discussion on my blog. I look forward to your next twitterviews. #DM1
It's really nice to see you're so open to twitter and I hope Spanish physicians will start using soon this communicational tool. #DM1
Keep an eye on @diariomedico for other twitterviews with health twitterers. #DM1
@diariomedico Thank you for the opportunity. I enjoyed it, I hope other Twitterers too... #DM1
It's a Hungarian medblog and not that new (Feb, 2007). Totally different. MedIQ is for laypeople, Scienceroll is mainly for professionals.


enoch choi Jason Calacanis doransky Elliott Pesut Robert Scoble Arin Kim Mario Menti jimbo wales Hsien Mark Scrimshire CNN Breaking News Deepak Matt Wood BBC Health BBC Sport nyenyec 30Boxes ted murphy Mark Petenyi Ricardo Vidal Adam Szedlak Benedek Toth  Alec Couros David Orban Abject Learner Joshua Schwimmer hotdogsladies Amit bill allman andrea forte SixUntilMe |diabetes Hout David Rothman Mal Burns Joe Brooks
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