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We have friends over with karaoke laptop toys. Amplified sing=along Duran Duran in the living room FTW!
@StephStricklen Cash & Carry has 5lb boxes of satsumas for $4.58. We just bought one this morning. Om nom nom nom!
Phew. Spouse home. Nothing dire @ the meeting. Nervewracking though. The company he works for is all kinds of messed up.
Urgh. Spouse has been at a mandatory employee meeting (on his day off) for almost an hour now. ::trying not to be nervous::
@jay_lake Considering I'm now playing Flood on my WMP, I'd say your work here is done. :-)
@jay_lake So you're having a wonderful time... getting TMBG lyrics stuck in people's heads, eh?
@martinboz Ooo! Thanks for the heads up! I've avoided buying shows off of either Amazon or iTunes, but if this one looks good enough...
Spouse is now in the kitchen prepping turkey and doing Calamity Jane impersonations.
Spouse just brought home a 5# box of sastumas from Cash & Carry. Om nom nom nom.
Working on a sekrit craft project for Friday.
Spouse is in the other room making incomprehensible noises of agony while listening to the Blazer game. Can't say that I blame him.
@drnormal Yeah, I think I accidentally unfollowed you before realizing my mistake. All fixed now!
Tweetdeck is confusing me. It keeps telling me I'm not following people I'm already following. This leads to accidental unfollowing. Bleh.
@wajiii Seriously, I think Twitter & the PDX tech community have been this year's cure for S.A.D. :-)
@turoczy Awesome job on @TheSquare. I'll say again: I'm so happy to have found this community!
@martinboz I'm hoping Leverage shows up on Hulu. (We don't get TNT.) Right now, they've just got excerpts & trailers.
@lizstrauss I think it was a group effort, inspired by the release of WP 2.7 RC2.
@lizstrauss Okay. I admit it. It's my fault. Too many automatic WP-DB-Backup & Askimet upgrades and I broke the codex. :-(
RT @wordpress: WordPress 2.7 RC2 - Ahahaha. Naturally this shows up right when I'm doing RC1 installs.
Whoa. WP site's plugin downloads are all suddenly going to a 404 page.


Tara missrogue Hunt Josh Bancroft Chris Brogan photomatt Karen Anderson Scott Kveton Audrey Simon Bisson Reid Beels Lelonopo Fake Henry Rollins WordPress Betsy Richter Ed Borasky dieselboi Aaron Hockley B. Hussein Fishbones Dawn Foster Tyler Sticka Jane Wells David Burn Barack Obama Carolynn Duncan Robert Llewellyn Wil Wheaton Liz Strauss Rick Turoczy Amye Scavarda Seth Shikora Dan Blaker Jonathan Coulton Carol Sill Matt Payne PDX Pipeline Isaac Szymanczyk Oliver Willis
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