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At @westcafepdx with the starving family.
Off to get the monkey and then the totally-not-monkeyish-at-all spouse at the airport. Traffic karma, I beseech thee!
@RichClaussen well, yes, and it was the bitchin'est fondue set ever, but still. Currently: tankless water heater. I can has tech now?
@shortyawards I nominate @marshallk for a Shorty Award in #tech because, duh. Who are these other people? I spit on them.
Parallel to a convo at #cyborgcamp, Publius Project's Internet & Politics '08: - Digital tech mobilizes, pushes memes.
Copyright Notices in Trad. & New Media Jnls: Lies, Damned Lies and Copyright Notices - - Love the title.
Tonight I have the rare pleasure of discussing HOA dues and potential service cuts to make aforementioned dues manageable. So no events. :(
Fondue set? Woot-off, please.
time machine is cramping my media streaming style - trying to watch @turoczy on da news:
This is perhaps the most disturbing tweet ever: RT @gwalter: Arrived at Beaverton Olive Garden
@jabancroft we love ya, you maudlin croc-wearing goofus!
@EvaCatHerder In normal circumstances (i.e. not puking) I have the event up on Monday. General plan is every other week. Next one = Jan 8.
"Every other week" schedule for #pdxbreakfast would work a lot better if it didn't slam into Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. #notetoself
I can has #pdxbreakfast at Cup and Saucer on Hawthorne tomorrow? Yes, Virginia, you can!
@marshallk Zentacts just imported my gmail list with no troubles. 'Course, your gmail list is probably counted in the thousands...
I need youtubes of @turoczy on the seven o clock news, plz. Trapped in the mall, can't tivo...
Query: who do y'all follow on your mobile device, if at all? Do you have a process for making yes/no calls on who gets on the sms alerts?
@turoczy @stephstricklen I think many pdx tweeps would be willing to kick in two cans of food to the blogdrive in exchange for turtley Q&A.
@caseorganic, if you have time, town's end bakery is the shizzle for breakfast.
@Granimal you wouldn't want my liver at the moment, yo.


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