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Although getting to have a leisurely breakfast with the husband will be very nice!
Preparing for a day of shopping. Yucksies.
Oh. Oh. Coworker just yelled "Jesus Christ!!!" I'm getting out of here.
Uh-oh. The police chased a bank robber into our building. I'm hiding. Bye.
There she goes. Except instead of f***! at was J****!
I have a coworker who often says "shit" under her breath. I can expect a louder "fuck" soon after.
If anyone is holy, it is the husband.
Okay, so the husband's sister called him to ask about why our kids haven't been baptized. Then he was so sweet to bring ME my box of wine.
@TrixieBell68 I am glad you won't die. Clarinet.
Don't you hate it when you can only hear one side of a conversation. Argggggh!
My dear husband. He is so sweet and non confrontational. (Unless you cut him off in your car, that is.)
@TrixieBell68 Hey! I went to band camp. No rafts. No tape. But it was ALL THAT!
@blubberfatality OMG I'm making meatball stroganoff tomorrow! :D
Come on Google! What's your dealio?
@blubberfatality Thankfully only a spectator. Is kinda fun!
cat fight in the office. mreow!
I left the house with wet hair. It has now grown 8x in size. Poof!
And yay for turkey enchiladas that I made and froze last week. They made an excellent dinner on the rush tonight.
Painted all day. Exhausted. Can't wait to get back to my desk job tomorrow!


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