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My copy of 2666 just showed up. Awesome.
Today is the first day all week that it didn't take almost 3hrs to get to work. Awesome!
@andyHatch the Blitzen Trapper album is awesome!
Day 2 of a 2.5 hour commute. Thanks ice & snow!
Sad that NPR had to cut jobs, but glad that News and Notes is gone. Not a fan.
Back at work... It's cold here.
In-flight movie: Mama Mia. Shoot me now. Ugh.
On a real plane now. Goodbye warm and sunny Florida! Hello crappy St. Louis
Oh crap... This is a prop jet!?
@lah_rah I *hated* Lila. She's awful.
Just went from one side of Florida to the other and then back again. Long day in the car spent with The Savage Detectives and the iPod.
How is it that I'm just now beginning to understand and love OK Computer?
on Senior Air, boarding would start 20min earlier to ensure on-time departure.
there should be an airline that only flys to Florida called Senior Air
just finished packing... off to the airport! Looking forward to sunny Florida!
Packing for Florida... also going to eat some hot rolls from the oven.
@aphexddb Site looks good - stuff looks good too. Good work!
@noradio those help manage snow drifts
Trying to work today. Not very successful. Listening to the new Killers album for the first time. I think it's distracting me. Excuses..