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@JoannaLord I was just wondering if it was time for you to check analytics. Already did mine, earlier today. :)
Worked late in office today. All new chiropractic tables arrived ans setup for our clients on Monday. I love getting new stuff.
@LisaBarone throw up would only count as one (maybe 2) of the human fluids. Ask if it covers synovial, cerebrospinal, and pleural fluids. :P
Remember when 1gb drives were $1000.00+ ? Nearly 2 terabytes in my new pc for less than 1k.
@copyblogger Tips on identifying and acting on the low hanging fruit ($$) now that your blog is attracting monthly growing traffic.
Big weekend for marathons: Vegas, Sacramento, Memphis, and Palm Beach. Congrats to all runners!
Spent last few hours helping family member upgrade office PCs. Even after years of building systems it's fun to install new stuff.
@graywolf seeking local option that creates html page for each image. testing gallery (again).
Setting up media page. Any votes on Gallery2, Coppermine, other?
@mattmcgee thinking that's a very good idea. Only 1.5 miles from my house if you visit the one on Washington and Lincoln. :)
@JoannaLord make sure you check analytics first. :P
@survifam @MichelleRobbins calcium scoring uses a CT scan to find the buildup of calcium on the walls of the arteries of the heart.
Friday night survey: Do you know what a Calcium Score is?
@ysnjen I'm in LA all weekend (until xmas eve actually). December wrap up. :)
@ysnjen more room for you guys to relax and enjoy the movie. Have fun!
Old wordpress site hacked and footer injected with 500+ pharma links. PSA: Check your sites.
A year ago I set my goals for 2008, sealed in envelope, and gave them to a friend to mail to me this weekend. Excited to review and prep 09.
@MichelleRobbins I am not. :( All work and no play weekend.
Picked up another killer domain today. Weekend plan: find programmer to build sweet parking page script.
@MichelleRobbins Just a reminder to notify you that you rock! Thanks for mentioning editor work. :)


Jason Cosper Wayne Sutton Dobromir Hadzhiev Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Dan York Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Zadi Diaz Sarah Lewis Jonas Carlsson Tantek Çelik Andy Kaufman Brian Ussery techknow  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Douglas Karr photomatt Mel Kirk Stevievep giovanni John Gruber Anil Dash Ron K Jeffries Eric Friedman Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins Kevin Marks reese spykerman    Erica OGrady Tamar Weinberg Mike Macadaan Kelsey Ruger Chuck
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