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Ok, so plane tix from bham to columbus are very reasonable... wonder how to affordably get from columbus to sandusky for codemash (~1hr car)
@jeremyflint Ya'll keep it civilized... I know how crazy some of you kids can be, with your wii's and whatnot
@alexlinebrink as far as a startup project goes, I *love* working on new stuff but not as experienced right now as many out there... FWIW
@alexlinebrink I dev with c# and played with php... really enjoy js frameworks as well - like my bio says, I'm looking for a niche
@alexlinebrink I wish it was more of a manual process... it's too important a deal to be automated
@chezshaeffer that is one musical I have not seen yet... (opening netflix)... Don't know what it is about musicals, but I eat them up
One of my buddies is in surgery right now. @kcscrawford and I bought him playdo, a slinkie, a soft-dart gun, and a coloring book last night
@mcgufbd Yeah, I wanted to go until I realized that it was on the opposite side of OH. Comparable to my drive to KC in a couple of weeks.
@mcgufbd work... basically it was this --> [ - you know you want to go...]
I think it is funny that @kcscrawford's gets some traffic from google when people search "where to buy fake pine cones"
@mcgufbd did you see my DM earlier today?
@lordtrilink thanks for the tip... unfortunately the auto-reinstall had a fatal error. I'll try manually doing it later.
I think that something went wrong when I was upgrading to WP2.7 because I still can only see the html view in the editor.
Heading home for some lunch... what do you call it if I eat tonight's dinner for lunch (tomorrow it would be called leftovers)?
@GrantGannon overcast... kind of like the old country
CodeMash is looking less likely now that I realize it is ~11 hours to drive to Sandusky, OH... can't afford plane tix right now
Hmm.. WP2.7 is acting funny when I try to edit posts... Can't use visual tab cause the text becomes white on white bg and html not parsed.
Just updated to WP 2.7.... I like-a da juice.
@rbihun "they are who we thought they were"
Anyone from bham going to code mash?


Mojo Denbow Dan Cederholm Alex Hillman Patrick Haney Ben Ward Beep. Snook Christopher Ware Jeremy Harrington Jeff Croft Malarkey Dean Cameron Allen Michael L. Ike Pigott tollie williams Remy Sharp Daniel Sandler Kevin Rose Brad_Strickland Kate O'Neill Scott Koon John is the Word ted murphy hotdogsladies John Resig Harris Reynolds Dave Shea Kevin Dente Dan Mall Michael Ramm Tim Siedell Adam Fortuna Sarah Lane Joseph Thornley Clint Martin Andrew Stewart
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