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going to bed....night!
@hogfan1980 OMG! You were the cutest baby EVER! You looked so cute under the tree!
@rivensky if it makes you feel better i think you should.
flossing my teeth. Kingsley thinks this is the most interesting thing in the world. Head trying to get in my mouth, trying to eat the floss.
@Sam88 lol crown is delicious!
@Sam88 actually he likes Clints (or should I say Casey's) sponsor too. wow i'm making him sound like an alcoholic!
@Sam88 lol that's funny! My stepdad should root for Jamie then. He loves Jamie's sponsor!
@Sam88 That's really cool! Are they Jr. fans too?
@Sam88 *tim lol I can't spell anything.
@Sam88 Aunt Cecile, Uncle Blaine, Shelbi and Heather are my favorite part of my family! Besides my mom and trooper time of course!
@Sam88 The cousins coming are 16 & 10. The cousins my age aren't coming. I'm really excited to see my Aunt Cecile & Uncle Blaine!
@Sam88 that will be fun! My cousins and everyone is coming to my parents on sat. too! You'll have fun!
@Sam88 you can come visit us. We don't do anything. You can feed the cows treats with me. Oh and we could ride the horse!
@Sam88 yes ma'am! I'll be at my parents for 2 weeks! Well actually I'm leaving after work on Thursday and will be there until Jan 5th!
oh man i should be packing. oh well. i'll just leave the work christmas party early tomorrow.
@Sam88 yeah he does. but he never wants attention when i want to give it to him...typical cat!
man when kingsley wants attention he really wants it. jumping on the laptop, licking me, jumping on me...he kida driving me nuts
@ChurchGr8Oval its really inappropriate! LOL Are you sure!
@bobbychuck can I call him the phrase I DM'd you that one time??


Robert French beebo wallace Barack Obama David Snodgrass Rascal Flatts Ben Dyer Chris Cooling Amanda tallglassofmilk Penni hogfan1980 B.A. Carter Rachel Jessica EffyAnn jennifer JessicaLynne5 Adam O'Donnell The Coop Robby Gordon themommykelly Eileen bristolmotorspeedway Sam88 alisandra Beverlee Margaret MarieIris Danielle onpitrow deadspin SPRSkip Daniel Shell65 HUSKIE25