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@brianjohnsonmpa is live-tweeting the dept of labor pat-on-the-back event. vip's galore!
#molly08 agrees--it's better in latin:
is still digging out from the #molly08 absence. will be back-dating blog posts today
@dunkindonuts, god bless you, my friend. i love the coffee!
@timothypcarney, they can arrest all the governors except carcieri, jindal, and sanford
why is it 70 degrees in dc today? #tcot
#molly08 gained a pound and 2 in. in two weeks. went from 7lb/4oz to 8lb/4oz and from 19.5 in to 21.5 in. she's still a cute little shit.
am i the only one (besides newt) who thinks that bashing the gohmert rebate plan is making the perfect the enemy of the good? #tcot
just got friended by someone he hasn't seen since the 8th grade. gotta love web 2.0!
@kellywcobb, what is the name of the song or the artist?
thinks his new ipod touch is the greatest thing since sliced bread
can't believe he's in the consolation bracket when @adamradman and @brianjohnsonmpa are still in the playoffs. congrats and keep it up.
if interested in something different, there is a low mass (traditional latin) at st mary's in chinatown tonight:
Cool lecture tonight in DC on the Battles of Lepanto (1571) and Vienna (1683) at AEI given by Michael Novak:
is starting to get very nervous about his three fantasy teams
vol 4 gives way to vol 1 in the liturgia horarum. actually 8 days ago, but #molly08 has been a giant distraction
@kerpen, your grader score is all relative to what other people are doing. it's like the butterfly effect
campaign for human development giving down 12% at st rita's parish in arlandria, va. take that, acorn! let's get it down more in '09
@kerpen, nothing is freedom's watch anymore...though "freedom watch" was a so-con group in season one of the left wing


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