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@jahcub I feel another round of MoT is in order. It's made me feel half better, so another round may do the trick.
@Teifion I deserve it tbh. Cause: self-inflicted-extreme-wine-consumption. Marmite on toast has helped slightly tho.
Feeling poorly :(
500 people, 2 belly dancers and a sack full of booze in a huge tent with lights in the ceiling. Some hot chicks in attendance tho. :)
All rigged up and ready to go. Black tie and all. :)
T4's Orange UnsignedAct is an awesome program! Watch it.
Right then, that's the shower fixed! : ) Time to take a well deserved POWER shower.
Call this a fecking lie in! WTF! Stupid body clock. It appears to take no consideration for the bags under my eyes. #knackered
@mgrassick hmm, according to your location your ferry appears to be on the high street in westerham. I can only assume it's a v.small ferry.
About to catch a pint in southampton at the end of a long week. Tomorrow will provide me with the opportunity to lie in - at last. taking time out to have an Americano while our pizza is prepared. #NBC
Am with @stunami and @colinmacd down pub #NBC :)
Damn it. It's frosty outside and i'm being lazy this morning. Better get a move on I guess.
Man, that's a long day. Another get-up-and-at-'em day tomorrow no doubt. I must ensure that I sleep straight away.
I forecast Christmas will fill our inboxes with spam from all those sites we signed up to over the last year.
So sad to hear that SWRT are pulling out of the WRC in 2009. My best wishes go to Kristy and all at Subaru.
The shower pump is fooked :( now have to wash under a trickle. Another reason to want to stay in bed.
@jahcub I can see how you could have assumed the single vessel theory. As the twitpic showed I luckily provided two vessels for the job! ;)


Dan Cederholm Jeremy Keith Hickensian Drew McLellan Natalie Snook Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin Paul Boag Janina Tim Beadle Lisa P Ryan Carson Paul Annett PeteJ Jeff Croft John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey Frankie Roberto Jeffrey Zeldman Andy leigh Rob Borley Brian Foy Dale Lane Kevin Rose Tom Goskar Mark Grassick Cali Lewis Mark Ng mike Felix Cohen Peter Gradwell Suzi Elliott Kember
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