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On our way to Meghan & Tom's house so we can play with baby Emily and eat pie.
Having a lazy afternoon playing Animal Crossing:
@simplyrecipes My favorite lunch box was yellow and proudly featured all of the She-Ra characters.
And I'm done. I'm definitely all "cookied out" for the week:
Baking a million cookies for the English Department holiday party tomorrow night.
Can I play too? #bostonfoodblogger
No good deed goes unpunished.
My desk is a disaster and it bothers my OCD personality immensely. Time to tidy up the insanity.
@cavecibum I know :( It was totally a rookie mistake. I was wooed by the very shimmery pinkness of them.
Still picking glitter off myself from addressing a zillion holiday cards last night. I will never buy cards with sparkle ever again.
Tick Tock the latest cookbook giveaway on ErinCooks is ending soon:
I had no idea that Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt were a couple. This makes me unbelievably happy. Kissing Jessica Stein is one of my faves
I made a little gift guide if you're looking for some ideas:
The United States of Tara on Showtime looks like it will be so good.
@ckelly and I discuss how to make the proper Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich:
Cookies are in the oven. Tree is decorated. Next: addressing cards. The elliptical needs to happen at some point too.
Making cookies for @lookery 's Monday morning meeting.
Having a glass of champagne ... just because :)
Peet's Arabian Mocha-Java are my new favorite coffee beans.


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