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Congrats @silona & team for launching Can haz RSS feed for non-Initial-Upload changes by ChangeBot?
@cjoh: whoa! You kids these days!
Fun dinner at Russian Tea House in Chicago with @mizuko (joi's sis!) and Bruce Bimber. Amazingly good veggie options and fun vodka flights.
@rustysoma My fireplace is fun to watch, but seems to actually draw warm air out of my house and up the chimney, making the house colder.
RT @zittrain academic grading systems should be simplified to w00t, win, fail and epic fail
Youtube link for that Iraqi-Bush-shoe video:
watching the "Iraqi journalist throws shoe at Bush" video from the cab to downtown, loving it
@mkapor brevity, soul of wit, yadda yadda yadda
SFO->CHI for mac foundation meeting... and maybe snow, yum!
lunch with john hagel & john seely brown, dinner with jim fruchterman. today rocked.
Finally saw Slumdog Millionaire last night and really liked it. A perfect sketch of the groove, chaos, and dignity of modern India.
My nephew, William, doing great standup comedy:
Arco on Geneva in SF: $1.79/gal. Maybe I'll get an F250 after all. copyright (including comments) now CC-BY: and Videos getting posted beyond Youtube. Great!
mmm bfast @ Just For You cafe in dogpatch. Hotlink frittata +++
I, for one, welcome our new robot farmer-army:
@klakhani please post if you get news on Eric, either way now has a discussion forum related to health. Ability to post using OpenID is cool. Outsourced to Automattic, it appears?
12 pages of Twitterscroll gives me a day's worth of browser tabs, but won't keep me from getting my paper on Civic Information Tech done.
Hah, treehouses 2.0: