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@jonathancoulton: Maybe. As long as you don't download Peggle.
Oh, crap, I'm listening to an album from 23 years ago, that I originally bought on vinyl when it first came out. INADVERTENT NOSTALGIA.
Discovering that most of the Missouri residents on my phone bank list have already voted.
@bre: I had a pear that I didn't actually eat, that I'm having with lunch.
I'm sure it's an honor to have Mojo magazine ask you to cover a song from the White Album for them...but it must suck to get "Piggies".
@jong: Wait wait, now I have to go add that to my database next to "kthxbye".
Wooooo, office taffy!
My new brilliant idea: a thrash metal band that covers classic R&B and soul songs. It would be called "Urethra Franklin".
Hey, Daft Punk remix, feel free to repeat a different measure over and over again for a while.
Re @yarnivore's tweet: specifically, "Going Underground" and "(Keep Feeling) Fascination". Also Big Audio Dynamite's "Rush". They have my #.
Perhaps not Pete Townshend's finest moment: rhyming "memories" with "Dom Deluise".
Ikea consolation prize: fluffy couch pillows.
About to go throw clubs at people. I suppose it's healthier than throwing rocks.
Travel is all about making sure you have all the chargers.
Brooklyn IKEA!
@byronium eeeeek twitter is a numbers station now
Best fortune ever for appending the phrase "in bed" to: "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
Rediscovering my crush on Belle & Sebastian's "The Life Pursuit".
Cluing four crosswords in a day because I have no sense of deadlines.
Breaking the 100,000 word barrier.