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Watching the white rock marathon. It's trapping my house.
@thegirlriot love it! I especially like the "if sprayed with unknown substance, stand and think about it." very nice. :)
today, I do not feel like working. So if you could send me the most interesting thing you've read this week, I'd sure appreciate it.
post from @passitalong on gettin' messy -
shoot me, shoot me now please. thank you.
@tbrunelle that's awesome! You should go over, hand her your autograph and walk away without saying anything.
the cowboys are fucking excruciating to watch
I love you most of all, traffic.
@jonburg Hi Digitas Health NY!
@katiechatfield well I hope they find some sort of solution, although it doesn't sound like there's many great options. Sorry to hear it.
@katiechatfield - just take the viacom approach and sue them for some ridiculous amount. Say $30 million.
New post on failure: Read it, then join G Connect on left side bar.
Just added google friend connect to the old haw. Come be my friend so my site doesn't look lonely plz &TY.
@katiechatfield true that. you coming to Austin, also?
@mackcollier i blame my minuscule attention span!
@mackcollier rather - apparently I have some rusty twitter skills.
@mack so busted, dude. no need to give Cam and I all that noise. :)
Gavin in a suitcase? top bunks? SXSW? Sounds like a party I'll have to attend


Noah Dustin Jacobsen Jason Calacanis Jayne Alex Hillman Brian Clark Doug Haslam Mario Vellandi russell  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Charles Edward Frith noah kagan Kate Trgovac Paul Isakson Chet Gulland Sean Howard richard huntington Brent Dixon Eric Friedman gareth Lance Weber Chris Abraham Connie Reece Tammy Allen Marshall Sponder Matt Dickman Scilla Andreen Indie Steve Rubel Jake McKee cone johnson David Armano Bryan Person Piers Fawkes Richie Ni Gary Arndt
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