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Well that was wicked-fast. Voltaic bag arrived today!
@Dark_Faust Sounds good. Hopefully not until after the holidays 'cause I'll have time to dabble during holiday shutdown. :-)
@Dark_Faust Just a pet GPL'd project, evolution of some ideas formed at CDN before 'SpiceIn' existed.
Grandpeeve of the day: Automated telemarketing robo-dialer calling my cell.
mentioned MBPro in my Voltaic order and they e-mailed me to only expect 1hr extra, i.e. trickle-charge and battery swap. +1 tech sup. karma.
That's probably my biggest 'green' gripe about Mac laptops. They don't offer direct-DC power options; it's DC-AC-wallwart or nothing.
just ordered a Voltaic laptop bag. It fits my 17" MBPro AND they have MagSafe adaptors to power/charge it!
It's on snowy days like today that a good pair of polarized sunglasses pay for themselves.
really must make some more time to flesh out the xmleda thing.
One year ago on this date was my last day at Cadence.
@andy_best Conjures images of a 'fabmaster' a la brewmaster. Guardians of the traditional strains and cultivators of new ones.
Looks like it's only a matter of time before rapid prototypers can 'brew' their own acrylic feedstock:
@kellieparker If you haven't already, give ColdFX a try. It's helped me plow through two rounds so far this season.
Bumping into hardware ceilings. 4GB doesn't allow enough headroom for 32bit CIC design tools; swap gets hit hard.
Looks like Pownce is no more:
You know it's a holiday in the US when the quantity of spam drops ten-fold. All those infected computers powered down!
...Then there's the thunderfish awesomeness that is Victor Wooten.
Listening to the group 'Stars', Canadian apparently, out of T.O.
Well now, that's annoying. I could swear there used to be a way to get/copy an URL to an artist's iTunes entry directly. Can't find it.


Evan Williams seanbonner wil wheaton Xeni Jardin Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Peter Rothman George Brett Caterina Steve Ganz Mike Sugarbaker Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont Bre Pettis Mickipedia Robert Scoble irina slutsky kris krug Michael Justin Hall merci Digichrome Swerdloff Chris Abraham Brian Jepson Ethan Kaplan wirehead Tod Twitterrific Brian Sawyer jurgen Fake Henry Rollins Joi Ito Bryan Pearson Loic Le Meur
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