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@topfife you're pissed. that made no sense at all. pull yourself together and i'll see you first thing in the morning...
@tomtaylor woo, that's nice... an app that delivers the sort of experience encountered in a mobile context i.e. walking around an envt.
@topfife ... feed on it. you'll look like ronnie wood in the morning ;)
@zephoria that's a well deserved PhD :) reading the thesis with interest...
@monkeyhelpr poo poohing my interest in rfid "toy" consumables
staring at my diagram of the "communications ecosystem" and wishing morse code was there. i like dot-dash. i think i'd have been good at it
listening to microdisney, drinking ill tea. wishing i'd said hello to cathal, lead singer, when i worked nr him.
@tomtaylor mac support would be good... i love the idea of this tho. boring physical stuff should be product-serviced from web like this.
turn off t'big light would you...
back to the ill place and more ibuprofen
@matlock will need to up his advice to redknap
beep beep. i hear burrito calling ...
@frankieroberto i like that... the network as the web, spilling your bits on the web rather than a prop site.
@topfife any deals? are people haggling in this (cold and) bargain friendly climate? more importantly, do you know what you're selling?
in the flow: lunch call false alarm. now been sitting here in coat and hat for 30 mins at desk whilst completing a job.
wondering if the ideas syphon @4IP is ever going to spit stuff out
@pipstar yep... we're actually in the process of re-writing that and releasing it publicly
@jagusti bailing out of #geekup. sorry, just too much to do...
"you'r e the marmalade man of the room..."


danah boyd Matt Jones Giles Turnbull Mark Simpkins Paul Farnell russell ChrisH Dave Verwer Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Phil Gyford alanconnor Tom Armitage Deb Bassett Paul Hammond Matt Webb Richard Moross Jem George W Andy Higgs Gavin Bell Frankie Roberto Matt Patterson dotBen Hugh MacLeod geo Rainycat Steve Bowbrick Tim Duckett Mark Ng mike Roo Reynolds Andrew Hovells Nick Harris Tom Matt Locke