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Unlukcy @riklomas - you deserved it - but I'm biased.
Can any journo out there tell me if they have ever come across the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA) ? It looks so dodgy to me
@conoro I thought it was _the_ word for 2008? Also isn't mobile still _the_ word?
@jemimakiss I'm with you. The Economist can be impossible to read for that reason. I'm constantly trying to work out who people are.
Waiting for the exaflood
Spending a lot of time knee deep in email.
Don't watch that - watch this:
This is what HD YouTube is all about
Why does everyone love Cheryl Cole again? I'm thinking about a t-shirt with here face on it: NEVER FORGET, SHE'S A RACIST
@riklomas Gone! and I'll unfollow you if you don't shad ap. You hear me!? I'll unfollow all of you.
It was when he said that Ben Folds was "so good it's scary" that I decided to stop following @1938media
I like the Google Reader redesign.
@RobinGrant Ok keep me posted. I'd be interested in knowing a little bit more about how agencies such as yours work.
@RobinGrant I'm Dan - this is my new way greeting followers. Tell me about We are Social..
@jackalexander it's all about developing your own personal brand...! ; )
@jackalexander welcome. Download twitterific or tweet deck to manage from you desktop. The web interface sucks.
£30 to fix my cracked iPhone despite insurance. £200 if you aren't covered. Oh and this Nokia piece of crap they gave me is just great
Hello @RobinGrant introduce yourself..
@lawrencebrown pay for your iPlayer you cheap bas£$@d!
Had a short latte 2 weeks into my 1 month with no coffee. I've failed, haven't I?


Mr Messina Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cal Henderson Prashant Agarwal Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian David Stone Simon Willison Tom Coates Snook Bobbie Johnson Bradley Horowitz Richard Moross Jem Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Lisa P Ryan Carson sizemore Neil McIntosh Scott Rutherford suresh Sam Sethi Philip Wilkinson Darren Waters dotBen jimbo wales Hugh MacLeod AntonioGould James Cridland Pete Ashton Jemima Kiss Daniel Appelquist
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