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@febake good to have you back, too. :D *hugs*
just added my 7th Twitter/Laconica account to Twhirl. This could get complicated.
@bookoven @stml @jeremyet - re bookcamp: pick me! pick me! pick me! (also, what date is it?)
@megp exciting times! i hope the new role goes well :D
deeply thankful for @nmeradio and @febake this afternoon. need you guys to block out the incessant rabbiting of the people around me.
@Remy i'm so jealous. i have an achy neck and back - can you send Dr Nubbin McButtons over to see me please?
@Vivdora OAP is a sort of cross between a co-working space and a members club. it's much more pretentious than i had originally thought.
@chris_d_adams no idea. probably cost you a kidney. or your first born.
ok, time to go and get some lunch. food at OAP far too expensive to eat in.
@The_Shed walking through treacle? I know that one.
@dancinggecko the place i'm working is a bit of a sausagefest - lots and lots of men with loud voices.
time to break out the isolating headphones and start streaming @nmeradio over teh webs to block out noisy willywavers at OAP.
now at One Alfred Place and connected again to the Life Force, er, I mean, the internet...
packing up to go off to OAP, where I hope there is internetz and lolcats
virgin Internet are utter shit
@gilest "killall Dock" did it, thanks!!
more necklaces in my @folksy shop!
@sh1mmer it's Finder - it's always launched!!I can see it on the desktop, but i can't drag it to the dock.
Strange. Finder seems to have fallen out of my dock, and I can't find a way to put it back there...


danah boyd Colin Schlüter Ross Thomas Vander Wal Adam Giles Robert Brook l.m. orchard Simon Perry Michael O'CC Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Hickensian Chris Adams debs Chris V Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Meg Pickard alanconnor Edd Dumbill Paul Hammond Euan Semple Matt Webb Antony Richard Moross Richard Ryan Carson Rob Hinchcliffe Tim Cowlishaw Johnnie Moore Gavin Bell Mr Noded Tom Reynolds leisa Ian Betteridge
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