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Back from a very enjoyable panto featuring my two eldest. <proud dad moment>.
@freecloud @jobsworth Re: both magazines and songs : Old media is still engaging. The world is still catching up with where it was before :)
@Documentally enjoy the outdoors! Please don't hurt your back though!
@jobsworth I love the way Ocado bring a paper with the shopping now. Nice touch. Dragged me back into main stream media (beyond on-line).
@steevc Next time round! :)
@digitalmaverick Would you shoot me for saying Tron :)
Busy day ahead - looks like everyone else is having a quiet day! Which ever it is, be sure to have a good one!
@magitam definitely... But conversational reconstruction required too - early filtering fails ;)
Sitting down to drink hot chocolate with the older 3 of the kids. Catching my breath. It has been a bit of a day, one way and another.
Good to see that the ENT consultant at my local hospital is keeping himself occupied: vai @tom_watson
@mbites A tele? A very happy birthday indeed sir!
Unplugging from the interwebs... Time to digitally flat-line for a while
Have a good gig @solobasssteve - still in shock about your bass - on bass blog now:
Had a big catch up session with @caalie - she rocks! - lots of good things ahead.
@NickWilson Nice straight up fish curry - thanks for the pointer ( ) - added to my to do list :)
@ManojRanaweera S'ok the Toms are used to it :) - at least they know each other!
@magitam We'll continue that attentional tunnelling discussion from tuttle in the new year!
Thoughts following #tcuk this week: - some themes from: 7 habits of highly effective pitchers -
@andysc @zzgavin @yellowpark Where's that postman! The new CC128 is indeed georgeous! :)


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