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give me a photo of Waikiki/Diamond Head for Inside Xbox? for free I mean? I'll trade you a Gamer Spotlight for it. You must own the picture
Major kept Wil far away from Trixieland today. I would have behaved myself! :(
@OXM lol. pretty funny... if you're thinking of the same thing I saw a rough cut of today!
@airdom have her send me an email at!
@Esko it was Patron and I still puked out the car window the whole ride home (30 miles)
@SirenAssassin yes!! You know everything!! :)
ooooh just found out one of our GamerchiX is kicking ASS in the EA Gillette Champs of Gaming tourney! LOVE to see that
@seanjackson lol. Robbie Bach once made me a Mickey Mouse pancake in the cafeteria!
@SuperDunner that brings back back memories of my 1st Xbox Xmas party. We did tequila shots poured through a giant ice "X". puking ensued.
@babygirlzbox ugh! I hate raisins! They just look like bunny poop to me!
@Nicky_CP depends... what's he packing?
Maj doesn't like tater tots! Blaspheme!
@PeeKnuckle I thought every day is bitch day over at Anti-Troll Committee?
listening to new Brit-Brit...
need coffee
@SkydiveGuy hahaha. mean words... erase erase... bad joke.... erase.... lame greek mythology reference... erase.
@SkydiveGuy killing the Internet just to avoid those Facebook questions? wow! ;)
@sheridanzig that's also pretty fucking presumptuous. I saw one that said, Don't let the car fool you; my treasure is in heaven. really?
@JoeyBuckets lol. you probably have a while yet. This particular beast is 17 and a senior in high school. He's awful. and hysterical


Wayne Sutton Robert Cortez Veronica Belmont Major Nelson (Larry) Starbucks Coffee Adrian Maharet Raider Danh Jonic Holger Eilhard Yanik Magnan Zer0Her0 Marco Guzman Jason D Walsh SeymourBewty Suraj Chandrakar gib rossman Sean Jackson Chris Pirillo Nicci J Mighty Mommy Andy Bilodeau  Andru Edwards Brian Johnson Andrew Terry Jim Corbin BJ Wanlund Jay Mark Bell  Gear Corey Wilson netwoman Nate Shelton Matt Gerlach Brad Bowyer Dave Huston
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