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Flicking wistfully through the double issue Radio Times to see which festive TV highlights I'll miss while the family has the Wii plugged in
I am very tempted to snap up in order to ensnare dyslexic followers of the erudite Norfolk wordsmith
I think the residents of the flat upstairs have bought a bouncy hippopotamus and put lead-lined Dr Martens on its feet. The bastards.
One phone call to Daily Mail Online Picture Editor, one apology ("we're not supposed to do that"), no financial demands made, photo removed.
The Daily Mail has used my IKEA photo ( on their website (, uncredited. I spit on them
If you ever see me order a "SoCo" in a bar, please slap me hard.
Thanks to a person under a train and a miserable hissy fit nightbus driver, getting home from Oxford St has taken over 2hrs. I hate you all.
Supporting Boris's new cultural initiative by spending the evening at the theatre in the suburbs
Time for the obligatory "Ooh, blimey! It's snowing! But not very much!" Twitter message
Trapped on the Central line with the notorious scrounging accordionist and his six year old cup-wielding henchman
I want to slap the idiot who shut the Circle line, the middle of the District line, the middle of the Jubilee line and 90% of the DLR. Hard.
Just passed wotsisname the albino Big Brother 9 housemate walking his evil-looking mutt by the Serpentine (ah the transience of fame)
There's a job advert for Black Rod in today's paper, if anyone fancies being paid for dressing up in tights and banging on doors
Mmmm, cup of tea and a (half price) hot cross bun
Pause, reflect
"Tonight on the X Factor it's Mariah Carey Night." Are there any more depressing phrases in the English language?
I <3 concrete cows
I really must learn to go to bed earlier
When your Twitterstream has 12 consecutive posts all from the same Twitterer, it'd be nice if Twitter offered a "1 hour ignore" button :o)
Ghastly inappropriate spelling mistake seen scribbled on passenger information board at Holborn tube:


russell pixeldiva Tom Coates Meg Pickard Simon Pearson Hg Tom Reynolds Mike T-D Gert anna pickard Unreliable Witness sasha Luca Belletti Duckorange Chris Applegate Mr Angry Zoe Jag John JonnyB Andrew Denny Gordon McLean Lyle Adrian el em gee Will Howells Owen Blacker Ryan Cullen sboy2010 Rhys Wynne oobr Rob linkmachinego Mike Cooper