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Two bottles of Chardonnay later.
Just booked tickets to Vegas for January. Where else, hmmm.
@craigscholz Thanks! I cheated and went to one in a diff county that wasn't so bad. Luckily I'm still forwarding mail from my old address.
Okay I'm really leaving now. I'm actually procrastinating leaving work... I *really* don't want to go to the DMV.
@darrenkeith3 Gmail now lets you send SMS texts. I don't need the mobile version now. JK, I'm just too cheap to buy a data plan.
@Da7e Well if you have time/want to meet up for coffee or something while you're here, let me know! :)
@Da7e Aww too bad! You're not going to be in CO until sometime next week?
However, final-free birthday celebrations are tonight, if anyone wants to come with let me know. :)
Took a half day today, now I can finally go face the DMV.
The day is off to a great start!
The boss opened up the liquor cabinet at work. Nice.
@FrozenDreams I think we already have that here in the states?
Review is done. *relief* Now: intern goodbye party and drinks with clients.
@aracheon What can I say, the men didn't exactly come out of the oven anatomicaly correct. The dough didn't hold.
@aracheon I already ate the gingerbread women. I still have men and trannies left?
About to send out an email I coded to over 20k people. Pleasegoddon'tletitbreak.
@FrozenDreams I already don't know what to do with my free time!


Dan Cederholm Steve Tranby CNN Breaking News Kevin Rose { Mamirosa } Twitter Barbz Barack Obama Troy Dodd Ryan Child DarrenKeith Wyatt Craig Scholz Morgan Dani Daynah huongle Connie Lauren Musni muppet Da7e Gonzales hodgman KhufusKutie aracheon Jimmy Fallon synchronizelove greggrunberg Al Gore THE_REAL_SHAQ FrozenDreams