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Spending the day with the fiancé has been great for my soul. Coming up with good topics.
Indian (Punjabi) wedding: spending the day with the fiance: trying to find the right clothes for the wedding festivities!
HUMOR: These days I guess you can find anything in a vending machine:
RT @chrisbrogan: The guys from Social Media MI need to take a lesson from Gabe & Max : (youtube)
What do you think of Van Jones?
Green Job spending "totally impractical"? Can Obama's promises materialize?
thanks everyone for getting back to me about helping fill roles in the real estate development/design industry!!
still looking for more people in the design and construction industry looking for work!! if you know someone send them my way!!
@jporter that's no good.
@chrisbrogan Thank you! Great stuff man. Looking forward to following.
rt @constructionlaw Thinking about "40 Ways to Deliver Killer Blog Content |" ( )
WANTED: developers, architects, interior, civil, mechanical, electrical designers, property managers. looking for work? @vikdug me!
IMPORTANT QUESTION: If you could advertise yourself/company/product for $5-20/day and with a reach of a few thousand, would you? @vikdug me!
rt @daltonsbriefs 41 minutes, from a breaking report to live TV and now "false alarm" from New Delhi ... Twitter is fast, thanks ...
#Delhi is no news, good news? silence on twitter with regards to shooting.
#delhi looks to be false alarm.
#Delhi NSG commandos at Delhi Airport
#delhi Car is being traced by security forces.
for non-Indians reading about #delhi, the "white ambassador" is a car, not a person.
rt @daltonsbriefs Live from India TV #Delhi airport reports some shots nothing more


Wayne Sutton Chris Brogan  C.C. Chapman Starbucks Coffee hubs sahala Joshua Maher Anders Joel Ross Housman Cali Lewis Tony Wright Mukund Mohan Phil Clark Sean Johnson ShoeMoney ESPN Headlines Peter Shankman Lacy Kemp Moishe Lettvin Heidi Schwartz mark mayhew Steve Horton Kevin Healy Steve Dalton Andrew Chen Tiffani Ashley Bell Bob Morris The_Architect Cal Evans Brian D. Eisenberg WorkSafeBC Nic Darling Eric Berto Gary Vaynerchuk Joseph Sunga Raymond Angel
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