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Long session with a coaching client this morning. Taking a break now, back on the phone with a client at 15:00. I am busier than I thought.
Weird day. Lazyness appeared -> bad mood. Turned around in the evening. Cleaning my place up to receive a client tomorrow. Awake. Happy.
Email von jemandem der Implementierungsrat für haben will... #seo #aoluser
Recommended Xobni to a non-geek friend (thx @stephtara). He emails back saying: "Funny, I was just installing xobni when I got your mail."
"Kundentelefonat am Morgen / vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen." *tusch* Zumindest fühlt sich der Tag schonmal nach "effektiv gewesen" an. :-)
@ma_y Zwei Stunden Zenpraxis. Mein Aktiendepot aufgelöst. Einen Termin vorbereitet. Moin! :-)
@Ross The big face? Too distracting. The eyes and glasses pull me left towards him, then the headline pulls me right, and back...
Reviewed first paper submission to #pkm2009 (PKM workshop at #wm2009 conference).
@stylewalker At-Sign in front. Question-mark at the end.
@rainer your sample is biased. :-)
Cousin calls, asks: "What is Zen?" Cool. :-)
My clients are cool. I love my clients. Go clients. Yayayay. (On the phone with a coachee. "unlimited access" contract. good thing.)
Back from the dentist. threeandahalfhours. But there was good news, little pain and there is some hope. Ah. Teeth.
A woman nine months pregnant sat the zen retreat w. us on the weekend. The retreat ended on Sunday noon. The baby was born yesterday night.
Will spend at least two hours at the dentist today. Fun, fun, fun. Second best meditation practise. Pray for me, friends.
@Suw Sounds perfect. Tell me more about it when you can! (Now or later, whenever you're ready.)
@Suw procrastination as work? Teach me!!
@beate "Selbstverständlich; es kostet $$$.$$$!" oder was hast Du gesagt? :o)
@SaftTante Das erste eigene Nudelkochen ist ein Meilenstein. Dein Sohn wird ein Mann! :-)


danah boyd Colin Schlüter Ross Mark Wubben Michael O'CC Rainer Wasserfuhr Dina Euan Semple Jon Husband Phil Wolff Nancy White Mark Bernstein Henriette Bru Stephanie Booth Ton Zijlstra Peter Rukavina Lloyd Davis Oliver Gassner Andre Ribeirinho Hugo Neves da Silva Pedro Custódio Suw david galipeau garyturner steph Gernot Stephanie Denise Howell Loic Le Meur Yonga Sun David Gurteen Nandan Joshi Lisa Thomasius Manuela Hoffmann Beverly Trayner
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