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Also - playing some Al Green & Barry White via Pandora (my mod to the Obama station) to get things really warm. Too bad no eagle scout
@bobuva i saw plenty of comments last night whenit went down, FWIW
@radiogretchen thanks - I have to head out by 2:30 to teach kids about being Jewish & I'm told there will be heat! is a brisk 62; backup heating sources have now been deployed (coffee made, oven warming, will run dishwasher shortly.)
@ahockley i have two I could have lent you!
@willnorris after @camikaos's ringing endorsement of ES bedroom capabilities - well, you might be able to sell that list to a few people!
@wajiii sorry, I was already in bed by the time you posted this - would have loved to, though. Next time?
house is flipping cold. maybe because I didn't leave space heaters on? Fixing that now.
RT @pdxOH: OH: I need an Eagle Scout, damnit! (pretty sure that came out of *my* mouth during SLL tonight...!)
@camikaos - now home safely, had a great time, thanks!
@DaleChumbley Yes, I saw it - @jarvitron did. I also have pics that I didn't send up
@chrisorourke thanks to you for coordinating this, Chris!
OH on SLL: pecker is the new douchebag.
also at strange love live, hooray!
Watching blazer games at the house of strange love live.
@jnpdx glad we had a chance to chat!
@TheSquare Bourbon hot toddy with ginger simple syrup (make it myself.) Which reminds me - need more ginger!


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