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So @iyna, who I met on Twitter, joined @iabc at my recommendation & I get 3 free months of membership. Another social netwrkg success story!
@olevia Oh, stop! ROFL now. You poor thing. But thank you. I needed that laugh.
@olevia LOL. Really. Out loud. Celine Dion xmas album. Oh, I can sympathize.
@shirleybrady I use Tweetdeck, as do a lot of folks. Seems to be a popular choice. Google it. There are blogs w/comparisons. Just saw one.
@lseegert Amazing. I have the same rich Nigerian uncle. I guess that makes us cousins.
@BizCoachDeb Weather not so bad here in the NYC area. Just chilly. And at least it's finally dry!
@iyna 2008 was a great year. Best so far in terms of revenue & won an IABC/Atlanta Golden Flame for a corp magazine. Kudos on your NY Emmys!
This looks interesting: RT @MarketingProfs: Speed-networking: Blitz, sort of professional version of speed dating:
Entire front page of today's New York Times is bad news. Except for this inspriring little gem below the fold:
Of course, if you're under the age of 25 & you read my last tweet, you probably have no clue what I'm talking about.
I feel like a 33 rpm record that someone is trying to play at 78 rpm. I generally feel this way until about noon.
@KarenDionne I met you at the BackSpace meeting in NYC a couple years back. The literary agent mtg held in Nov. Nice to see you here!
Anyone here participate in the Absolute Write Water Cooler forums? As I get closer to completing my memoir mss, seems like the place to be.
@mitchjoel No. I don't automatically reciprocate all follows. Certainly not those in a language I don't know. My time is limited.
Did I ever mention how much I love @quotations? Yeah, yeah, I know I did. Once. So I'll say it again. I *love* @quotations!
Two-hour mtg today. Ended up w/nice speechwriting gig to cap off 2008. Thx @AdinaGenn for referring me (& whom you should follow).
@meganlicursi Re: Your Q on Christie Hefner - I read she's stepping down to do non-profit work. I forget who is taking over. An outsider?
I'm getting the sinking feeling that if I'm not on Facebook, I don't really exist.
@AdinaGenn Dunno if it changes my opinion of him, but I sure wish he'd bring me a donut. Chocolate glaze.


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