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@scott_fox ah, the good old days. Walking barefoot to our computers while it was snowing outside. ;-)
@MySurveyExpert Hey Jeanne... I think you would find this very useful - http://www.InstantformPro - for helping peeps do surveys, etc.
There were approximately 25,000 web sites in 1995. Mine was one of them. I feel old.
@NixTheNews happy happy happy b-day Nick!
Google steps on domain parking services... and pays off for publishers -
Cool way to track celebrity twitterers! -
@Gloson Dream, Believe, Prepare, Act, Relate, Model, Grow :-)
Want to know what it looks like from Harv Eker's stage before 1000 people?
@zappos happy birthday Tony. enjoy.
@Ed_Dale I wonder who would create an app like that? hmmmm ;-)
RT: @techcrunch iFart And Pull My Finger Battle To Stink Up The App Store. Please Keep These Under Control, Apple.
RT: The ULTIMATE iPhone app!
The ULTIMATE iPhone app has been released! Http://
@maryglorfield welcome to the wild world of Twitter! W00t. :-)
Finished preparing my presentation. Added some new stuff. Looking forward to it!
@shortyawards I nominate @KenMcArthur for a Shorty Award in #business because he makes an IMPACT!
@KenMcArthur I like your book cover, but your Twitter profile would look better with your smiling face on it. :-)


Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Sacca Wayne Sutton Scott Beale Elliott Kosmicki BJ Cook Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Kyle Laughlin Justine Tim Elfelt Chris Brogan Graham English drew olanoff Bill Palmer Brian Clark Brian Solis Stefani Partin Robert Scoble Ernie Oporto Douglas Karr Sam Harrelson Andy Baio Mike Butcher giovanni suresh Eric Friedman hal2000 Kevin Marks Jonathon D. Colman Jeremiah Jeremy Zawodny Tamar Weinberg Joe Hunkins Scott Goldblatt
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