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...apparently, my punctuation is off, too. in desperate need of quality sleep. (but see? I didn't delete it! I'm trustworthy!)
deleted a twitter post for the very first (and last time). internet, my apologies for the sneakiness but my math was just that bad.
Drove by the soccer field for the first time in five years. The pangs were unexpected and terrible.
yum! @0:27
looking at those teeth make me crave a bagel in the worst kind of way. san jose tonight?
Was it National Insomnia Night? Or did the rest of society feel like keeping us college students company as we head into Finals Week?
I'm addicted. It's like a GAME! And the game is Let's Answer All The Cramster Trig Problems, and the prize is Where Did The Weekend Go?
So either the wife and I both imagined an earthquake earlier, or there was a dinosaur that went stomping past the house.
Blues hunting with the charlie machine = success!
It's hummus that smells like guac and is made of edamame. Suddenly, the world is all right with me again. Also: gummi penguins.
My arm keeps going numb, and it looks like it's going to rain today. There've been stranger weather indicators, I guess.
According to the pile of Kleenex, it would appear I'm sick. Again? Still? ::disgruntled sigh::
Remembering that thai life insurance commercial out of the blue and now suddenly I'm almost crying. Damn you, @moogoogaidan.
Corner Bakery has ruined me for all other cheescake brownies.
I hate that my nose is so incomprehensibly dysfunctional.
Five tequila shots, a giant mimosa and bread pudding french toast later. Happy sunday to me, and now it's gummi worm time.
@ooc but did it prevent you from buying placemats and bath towels? Because if so, then that was my strategy all along.
It feels inappropriate, but I'm really craving gummi worms right now.
Fighting to not throw up the dinner I didn't actually eat. And to not pass out. omg make this stop.
Consuming all the dark chocolate in this house, avoiding packing, and questioning the grammar of that last update.


Maggie Mason noah kagan Marie Jason Kottke Adam Lisagor Dooce Eden MarriottKennedy Alice Bradley Cookie the Dog Sean s Minagil iStamm Leslie Chan jeremy kchomtothemax Erin the jman Marten Reed Faye Whitaker Hannelore Dora Bianchi Sven Bianchi Penelope Gaines