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@sradick Sure! Right after I tell 'em mine!
@sradick any more insights that I should bring on Tuesday?
@govloop u may be failing to appreciate how fast something can spread in gov if its signed out high enuff
RT @sradick: Stop the Posturing About Government 2.0 and Do It Already ( new blog post up now
anybody got concrete suggestions on how to help a 9 yr old (awesome) kid make friends? Books? Sites?
@immunity is it sackcloth that you wear for shame?
@cheeky_geeky sort of a Harry Turtledove, Guns of the South but with Facebook and Twitter
@ckras watching Dr Drew are we?
Such is the fate of all who would oppose me.
@visualrinse Have you paid your dues Jack? Yeah. The check is in the mail.
@KoreenOlbrish if that's wrong, the I don't wanna be right
RT @guykawasaki: Like pens? Check this out: fetish admission time
@visualrinse It's like Jack Burton always says - I never drive faster than I can see
Appropiate light putting-up garb
one outisde light strand up...only minor frostbite
@mrch0mp3rs But now I rock a bar stool and I drink for two Just pondering this time bomb in my mind
@KoreenOlbrish Even old New York was once New Amsterdam Why they changed it I can't say People just liked it better that way
@sradick The objectification finally drove me away ;-)
@RedSoxRobbe ShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUpShutUp
@sradick No dork there man...its a classic!


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