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Whoa, wonder what happed to Romo there
Ugh, the weather outside is frightful. Wish we had a fireplace.
The boy is falling asleep to Coltrane, yay
@acarboni Power adapter? Nope. BTW thing that freaks me out about Magsafe is when the magnet gets attached to the metal panels on our couch.
Crap, I missed my old MacBook battery when putting together yesterday's e-recycling bags.
It's snowing?
Last @nyc_mta tweet said a disheveled Cindy McCain was seen wandering at Pelham Park station. Whaaaa?
Am I right in thinking there are over 10 native iPhone clients for Twitter and none for Symbian? (Ignoring J2ME) And this is because...?
Dropped off the junk, now having a victory BLT at Alchemy
This is particularly egregious when I am discovering new music, e.g. looking at covers I *won't* recognize.
Let's put it another way: if your tooltip takes 1 sec. to appear, and you offer me 28 covers, that's 28 secs. of WAITING to read all of them
New eMusic homepage: I hate mystery meat cover navigation. Didn't work on Epitonic, doesn't work on Bleep. Just TELL me what LPs you have.
@arainert Only 2 hours left, tho'
@arainert PS 321 between 1st and 2nd St. for more info
Going to take my old electronics to the recycling event on 7th ave. in the Slope today.
Open-source people are so funny: getting excited about an Android port that doesn't support Wi-Fi, recharging, brightness, keyboard, sound
@vanderwal Have you tried at all? Unfortunately it uses the API, you so you don't get all the history of the website client :(
@leanda There *is* something awfully enjoyable re: watching evening TV in the morn. Probably the same twitch as eating breakfast for dinner.


crystal danah boyd Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Cawley Dave Winer James Walker Victor Lombardi Arnold Alex Rainert brent Tom Coates Ray Garraud Derek noah kagan Bernie Leanda Kent John Gruber Josiah Goodson destroyrockcity Jackie CNN Breaking News rstevens Jason Jim Correia Deluxx Steven Frank David Armano Ken Bolton Twitter durjoy (ace) bhattac Joshua Porter Jared M. Spool Adam Darowski Ryan Block Christopher Fahey