Gord Fynes’s Favorites

President Monteiro
Mike_FTW A Christmas Story is much more fun to watch with the boy if you make him watch Kolchak: The Night Stalker alone in his room first.
hotdogsladies Well, if you feel you're too cool for _Rumours_, maybe it's because you never snorted a pound of coke while fucking your drummer on a shawl.
Keri Maijala
clamhead The fish stopped in its path and regarded Keri, marveling that there was, in fact, something whiter than its own belly.
David McCreath
mccreath "Lickable" is a terrible, terrible way to describe a computer interface. Well, unless it was created in WonkaLabs. Then it might fit.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW According to the new Gladwell Math I'm now an expert in both drunk-dialing AND sobbing.
David McCreath
mccreath I can't decide whether it's good or bad that I've come to look at long dental procedures as "me time".
Andre Torrez
torrez If I had a database of all my friends there would have to be a column called "played_trumpet_in_ska_band".
John Martz
robotjohnny Productivity tip never mentioned on Lifehacker: Unsubscribing from Lifehacker
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass Oh, Palin we hardly knew ye. Oh, right. We didn't!
Greg Veen
gregveen Irony is officially dead. Long live sincerity!!!!!!!
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Only someone who hasn't been through childbirth would RIP open a bag of coffee. Amirite, ladies?
Josh Donoghue
awryone Daughter's word for poop is cockee. My mom's dog is named Boo. Imagine my shock when my kid came home saying there was bukkake at Grandma's.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland Sorry I "voted early" in the "ballot box" last night. I guess I got over-excited about "electing a black man." Hm, this metaphor needs work.
beep New rule: if Coldplay is blaring over the gym speakers when I walk in, I get a do-over on the day.
Greg Knauss
gknauss Did you know Disneyland doesn't serve alcohol? And yet they still claim it's the happiest place on earth.
Andre Torrez
torrez Being married to a designer means we dispose of a number of things around our house simply because they are "badly kerned".
David McCreath
mccreath OH: Snopes should have an Obama all-purpose page that just says "for fuck's sake, people, NO".
daveHoffer "Up there in Alaska, we appoint our friends, family and high school acquaintances to public office"


Evan Williams veen rae brune davegray seanbonner Xeni Jardin Michael Ferguson peterme Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Erika Hall President Monteiro Michael Buffington Dan Saffer George Kelly lane Sarah Hatter Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Matt Jacobs Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag Ben Brown Mark Frauenfelder Thomas Purves fake mat honan Jeremy Keith Dan Budiac dana j. robinson Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Hickensian Bre Pettis Keri Maijala Neil Bruce Lee
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