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I can't even begin to figure out what I'm going to do about dinner tonight.
@BaltimoreGal Well you and I are just really hard workers, I guess!
@colleensamantha I know! What am I still doing here on this windy night?!
@sugarfreak I've seen them live twice, once with Hot Rod Circuit. I told everybody I was going to see HRC. I am a liar.
Still at work. Hot Friday night right here!
@sugarfreak That's my guilty pleasure band.
"It was less strict than going through airport security." People need to chillax!
@AmyWoo Pink is the new AWESOME.
My name is MC shout it back to me at the count of three 1 - 2 - 3 MC!
@lucymaylene Maybe I just need to get over it and break out the HD-280s at work. :)
@mehuman @lucymaylene I have HD-280s I use (and love) at home, but I'm looking for something a little more low-profile for work.
Anybody familiar with these headphones? I'm looking for something non-earbud to wear at work.
My iPod is bringing it's A-game this afternoon.
@mattyfo Is the helmet made of caffeine?
I'm hitting the wall in a pretty major way.
Whoa. I should really get some food. Feeling dizzy.
@captaincrazy Climb to the top and proclaim yourself king of Wii mountain!
Baltimore Restaurant Week was extended a week! Woo hoo!
@dwplanit Me too. I can't concentrate on anything today!


Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Gavin Thomas Knoll Dan Patterson Anne julien kristen crusius Brian Clark Andrea Mercado Jim Long Philip Campbell Mark Blevis  C.C. Chapman Paul Boag Robert Scoble Major Nelson (Larry) giovanni urban bohemian Jeffrey Slough John Edwards Peter Clough J. Wolff Kevin Spidel Joshua Green Allen rstevens Fake Henry Rollins Rob Blatt ted murphy Matthew Thorn Ariel Mahon Gary Arndt Mignon Fogarty sean 808080 TheDiva
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