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Zendesk is down. Suck.
Rise Kiwi dollar, rise!
Another wicked thunderstorm
My mind has been blown by:
@djmc I wish... I'm GMT minus 2 hours at the moment... Where it be Monday 7pm here.
Went to the gym this afternoon with my brother. Big mistake. Can't type or use mouse without shaking
@gnat And Pharmac, and exluding Fonterra too I'm betting
If fin. crisis means there's less credit then interest rates should be going up rather than down. Supply goes down... price goes up, right?
New favorite Stewie flashback:
@bwooce You saw the pick-up option we offer for Wellingtonians? Allows you to sidestep the $10 charge
A thunderstorm is brewing
Not a single pakeha, let alone Maori in sight. Kitsch? 100%!!!
Got first big night out in Sao Paulo tonight and I kid you not... we're going to the "Maori Bar":
is in BA nursing one helluva hangover. No more tequila shots with random strangers :(
is loving Santiago so far
About to board, catch you later NZ
@arowarth Yes, but when you shoot at people with guns... they tend to shoot back :)
@arowarth It's probably for their own safety... More guns = more deaths (like the U.S.)
Exporting stuff to China = awesome


Alicia Ryan Carson rands Mike Brown Hugh MacLeod Robin Marshall Pablo Regan Cunliffe Rebecca Cox Brian Stuart Maxwell Michael Arrington Epic Beer Nat Torkington Owen Evans Tim Howell Simon Young Ed Illig Andrew Lark Tim Norton spanishmanners Glen Young Steven Kempton Kai Koenig Mauricio Freitas Justin Sabe webstock Sue Tyler John Clegg John-Daniel Trask John Karp Jo -mangee- Booth Felicity Weller marksy philipworld brownsandals