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The "Web 2.0" was a term of a moment, not a version number.
Back from Livra Games 2008. Great two days of competition, team work, awards and party (!)
landing at Livra games preparation day (far far away)
Crisis Tip: "Only when the tide goes out is it clear who was swimming naked."
Full week of festivities ahead. Just out from a great Devego / Atommica board meeting and italian year-end dinner. Next, Livra Games 2008.
Fucking Mad(rip)off
Lifestreaming back in 2000:
Preparing X-mas at home.
Teeth + Anesthesia = Feeling Numb
@diemel Trying to download the presentation (for the big meeting..) with a 2kb per sec connection. Can't decide what's worst.
Where are you going? Are you lost? Some 404-Fun:
Twitter is to FriendFeed (in 2008) what MS-DOS was to the Mac (in 1984)
Madonna on stage. My head goes POP!
Che ("The Argentine") is a management lesson on how to lead and motive people under VERY difficult circumstances. So inspiring.
Argentinean company selling Apple Clones? (we like making things "different" down here)
having my first GOLF lesson EVER (Wii sports doesnt count)
having my first gold lesson ever (wii sports doesnt count)
in Argentina doctors are so low tech. they still write everything on paper. it scares me.
"Never thought a company could be my soulmate". mApple, genius:
There's a high correlation between (good talks) and (good wine)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca Kevin Fox peterme Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Stewart Butterfield Caterina Justine Veronica Belmont Spif Robert Scoble Alex Payne Jeremy Zawodny Olivier de Gaudemar Diego Lafuente Kevin Rose Leah Culver Joi Ito Joe Dowdell Loic Le Meur Pierre Omidyar gugote Twitter alexis bonte Michael Arrington Jeff Clavier Ryan Block Tariq KRIM Diego Meller