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adding more FB groups. i see a serious cross over
am ok. thks for msgs. just overcome a lot internally and externally
it was only about surviving. big lesson... listen to your body not random expertise
panic attack, headaches, stomach pain, fever, seizure like shivering, frost bite. allergic rxn to alt meds
annoying group of triumphant spaniards. but we hope to be as bad when we get back :-)
Day 1. big team dinner, tour of the town, slept a lot as hard to do at night. locals party pretty loudly.
Day 0. nice flight. amazing how dark and quiet here. basic but beautiful hotel. now we wait!
Day -1. on way to Amst. went crazy at Boots but have loads of antiseptics now
think my mobile twit now works. also add this FB link. All set!
getting ready for Kili!
potentially determining if perhaps i want to succomb to twitter
at work