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Went to Oak Bay today & saw *all these ppl*! Must get out of d/t more often?
@lchodan lol, I can *so* relate!
Got *ALL* my Focus Mag articles uploaded to Scribd! See for some PDG writing on urbanism, built form, Victoria...
No Google soup for me today... :-/ Gmail and everything G-ish fritzed... :(
1/2 way thru "Closing the Innovation Gap" by Judy Estrin (due back @ library tomorrow!) Great read.
For all my Cdn friends, Jon Stewart nails it!(December 8, 2008 show) Clip 1 of 4
Not wanting to depress ppl re. media, but follow @themediaisdying (on Twitter for my Facebook contacts), and get a blow-by-blow account.
Reading "Ads on tests add up for teacher": (h/t @PSFK) Creative, but "paying for ...access to kids" @ school?
@timescolonist - Question re. the redesign: "Arts" section seems to be gone? Theatre, dance, visual? Music? Nothing local. What's up???
listened to NPR news (economy) and thought, "sht*t, my family and I are going to have to live thru a depression. Not what I had in mind!"
@bencasnocha How funny you should say that! See my comment on a friend's post today: (scroll down).
Just wrote a really long comment on Robert Randall’s blog entry on vice.
Need broom: Channeling Louise Huebner, I see my life is too cluttered w/ stuff I dislike or which is broken, & it makes bad magic for me.
@KathySierra Don't laugh, but Louise Huebner, Official Witch of LA, said basically same thing in the 60s. ;-)
Can't believe I spent my Saturday nite scanning & uploading more Focus articles. Did 8: 3 from '06, 5 from '07.
Just updated my blog after uploading 5 of my recent articles to my account
Sorta wish I hadn't eaten all those chocolates and watched all that TV (DVDs actually) tonight. :( I need a vacation, not a veg-out.
@howlabit Agree that Element was better - more room to spread out. Fave Viatec xmas party venue so far =Canoe Brew Pub. High ceilings++.
Can't remember who to h/t for the link, but go read Virginia Postrel's "Depression Lust, & Depression Porn"
@howlabit Ah, 'k - just saw yr earlier tweet (that you *were* at Earl's). I was there, too, albeit only for 10 min. (too loud imo).


danah boyd Tara missrogue Hunt Andrew Wilkinson Dave Winer Stewart Butterfield Dean Landsman Jevon Boris Mann Dina Euan Semple frank Mr Noded Gordon Broom Ben Casnocha James Governor joshuamckenty Jemima Kiss Cecily Tris Hussey Allan JulieLeung Roland Tanglao  Alec Couros Lloyd Budd Piers Fawkes Tanya Rebecca MacKinnon netwoman Jeff Clavier Ryan Sholin Fred Wilson Betsy Devine Wendy Koslow David Weinberger kady o'malley jeffmcneill
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