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Friend just gave wife 3 month £50 ILoveFilm trial voucher. Sweet that's movies taken care of for a while.
Amazed at how much Bermondsy has been tarted up in the last 7 years. V. Trendy now by looks of it.
@bensmithuk f'king outstanding effort guys. Glad to have been a (small) part of it
@DT tuttling? May well catch u there then
@jemimakiss runs fine on mind but so does FF fully loaded with add-ons
tiny ticket office, guy stands right in the middle to read paper thus blocking everyone. Thoughtful
@loudmouthman you're lucky they don't declassify on southeastern until 9:31
@loudmouthman is that coz your on the 7:50 or is this some kind of Wellsian time machine?
@loudmouthman that's actually a smart idea, i wonder how the model would stack up.
@barneyc gets worse - their entire site is flash based. It's 2008 people, if you talk about change then change to something up to date
'leading' digital and mobile agency's homepage is flash only = fail
@adonisdemon the new version - yup. will do tonight. but the older version got some love as well, just in the directions display
@nickhalstead I can confirm your age as I have only just had my 25th birthday
@gerrymoth haven;t gotten v2.3 yet but noticed that directions are now overlayed onto map view on v2.2 (?) as of today
@nickhalstead NO! Just no. We did the 80's together and I clearly remember just how bad they were you sad deluded person you
Twitter API limit sucking badly this morning. Looks like no more updates for the next 20 minutes or so. Shut up you lot you talk TOO much!
Rocking a Belkin Cushtop - arrived this 'avo and my nuts are now nicely insulated (that and the typing position is better)
Blog: Rumour: Apple About to Launch DRM Free Tunes: And after a couple of days posting about how great Amaz..
@joannejacobs sufficiently tweaked they can provide a huge degree of day to day functionality.


Dick Hardt Ken Mr Messina Jonathan Greene PhoneBoy Darla Mack Jyri Engeström Philip Campbell Gabe Wachob Mike Butcher sizemore Alex Peter Bowyer Hugh MacLeod Kevin Marks Lloyd Davis Ewan Spence technokitten Jemima Kiss Daniel Appelquist Vero Pepperrell Rudy De Waele Rob Evans ocifant Ina O' Murchu Dan Lane Duncan Sample Chris Saad Loic Le Meur Nicole Mathison Matthew J Stevens David Terrar Ricky Brenda Wallace Bill Thompson Peter Parkes
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