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@andefred Aw, that is lovely to hear. Thank you.
@MeToo I did a stint a couple years ago for fun when I was visiting. My friend owns one of the biggest nightclubs in Mali. Loved it.
@marshawrites I don't use the account @amandita anymore. You can follow me here if you like.
I just had someone on FB message to say "..did you happen to DJ'd at that club in Bamako, Mali a few years ago?" Bizarrely, yes that was me.
@billerickson you should connect with @langer if you haven't already.
I never get tired of watching ET.
@katebevan that means you don't really want it bad enough.
For the first time in months, my recycling is filled with more juice containers than wine bottles.
Missing another outing with good friends for fear of making them sick at Christmas.
Finding everything amusing. Perhaps it involves the three empty bottles of Vicks cough syrup on my table.
@deirdre Is it! Oooh, I must check it out. I was listening to some of his old stuff last week. Thanks for the tip.
Turning over to Channel 4 News to check out @tewy talk about throwing shoes.
Just noticed that My Big Fat Greek Wedding is on and it's making me miss Toronto.
@NicolleWahl It could be worse. Does that Miley Cyrus have a Christmas album yet? Now *that* would be torture.
The carnage from being holed up with the flu has just registered. My floor is a sea of scrunched up tissues.
@chrisroos Is this from your own recipe? I think you should definitely upload a picture of these finished mince pies. Sounds impressive.
@mbites Happy birthday Mike! I hope you are enjoying a great day with the family.
@marxculture are you sick now too? It's like a bad movie, taking us down one by one.
Not sure why, but all my best ideas seem to show up after midnight. Just got a brainwave.


Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Dave McClure Jay Moonah Jim Long Brian Solis James Darling David Stone Will Head Richard Moross Robert Scoble Mike Butcher sizemore Scott Rutherford Stephen Collins Sam Sethi Adam Tinworth Mat Morrison neville Deirdre David Baher Al Hakim Jeremy Pepper Marina Martin James Governor Danny Bull Adrian McMahon Chris Roos technokitten Oli Barrett Rachel Clarke Martin Stabe Tim Bradshaw Jeremiah Jemima Kiss
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