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One of these days, someone's going to figure me out. I'm going to be in trouble, then. (And in the meantime, I'll just be trouble...)
@BZedan: Mine too! Whaddup with that?
@jeffisageek: Eek! I totally want to make a bacon scarf now! How cute and geeky. Can bacon be geeky? O_o
@cunningminx: I'm pretty sure you could get a LOT of people with you on that one! ;D
Hearing from my tweeples that it's "Chocolate covered anything" day! (Hear that @troismarteaux ?!) I am unprepared; better fix that soon.
Why is today taking so long?! Blargh, total and utter blargh. I wish for it to be next year already. And I wish for more caffeine.
@willradik: I have, but not in a long, long time!
@mdiaz7703: that is a good song too! really, all of Queen's stuff is awesome. :D
Sometimes my predictions and suspicions are, sadly, far too accurate in the end. I hope that's not the case here
@willradik That song sends shivers down my spine because of that show and its opening credits ^^; So classic!
Listening to: Queen - Princes of the Universe (hell to the yes, somebody find me a MacLeod, stat!)
Somebody has been spamming the BodyBoundPDX message boards for the past few days; where are the moderators in shining armor? :(
"...if haply you may be pleased to tell me of his melancholy end [...] for he was a man born to trouble." - Homer, The Odyssey
I thought computers were suppose to function *better* in cool temperatures; where has all my brain function gone?
Okay, there is bacon grease on the outside of my mug. Usually I like bacon flavour but not so much in my tea... o_O
And here we go
Okay back, I am ready for you to stop hurting. Thank you and goodnight.
@BZedan: showers are good if you're in a rush, but *nothing* is moving quickly this week... Bathe on! ;)
Mmm, Colby Jack tuna melts and soup. nom
Poor Makal; left work two hours ago and is trapped in the TriMet rearranged snow schedule, cold and... well, mostly just cold.


(jeff)isageek Richard Grant Hutchinson Loui Zoot Scott Kveton Rachel Kramer Bussel Graydancer Adriaan Tijsseling Darrin Horn Zaphodd Robert Blum Damiano Vukotic Zoetica Ebb Barack Obama Jason Verwey Seska Lee Rick Turoczy Warwick Rendell Evan R. Thompson Viviane Jake Marsh Mikki PDX Pipeline Rob Record FSM Amber Rhea minx violet blue ® Maki Danny Choo aagblog Steve Eley Jeffery Harrell
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