Cennydd Bowles’s Favorites

Jared M. Spool
jmspool @livlab in addition to an eyetracking study on the new page, did the researchers also consult a ouoji board to cover all the bases?
Dan Oliver
danoliver Going in for some more COD4 action! Gamertag: revilo75, if you want some ;)
Andy Lobban
Mark Perkins
allmarkedup The BBC's 15 web principles - - good stuff. I love the BBC's commitment to the web.
Bryan Rieger
bryanrieger ...semantic metadata... yeah, and I want a pony.
Christopher Fahey
askrom I've achieved Inbox No-scroll, but only at the expense of causing Things (my to-do list app) to sprout a scrollbar. Did Sisyphus follow GTD?
trammell Loving the Best Albums of 2008 suggestions from @crazywanda @decaturcomp @malikg @osakasteve @poshy @tconrad @tylr. Keep 'em coming!
Derek Powazek
fraying I'm only pretending. Get a shovel. #6wordepitaph
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich I can use the new Facebook Connect, for instance, to promote the presence of my balls across a worldwide network of social foreheads.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Just did the math and I have been designing shit for 9,999 hours. Clear the fucking room as I am about to level up, bitches.
skilluminati Whenever I'm tempted to buy books on web design, I just remind myself I still haven't read all of this:
Simon Crowley
cleversimon Every time you use the passive voice, a kitten is killed by God.
Krista Stevens
kristastevens There goes phallic inflatable Santa across the street looking like a 10 foot tall red c--k wavering in the wind.
Steve Marshall
Henry Birdseye
tehawesome Why restrict the alert levels to colors? Why not flavors? (e.g. Threat Level Wild Cherry) Never before has vague fear sounded so delicious.
hotdogsladies I'd like to see more "killer tips" turn on their author.
hotdogsladies Some days, the web feels like 5 people trying to make something; 5k people turning it into a list; and 500MM people saying, "FAIL."


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