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@jojohnson what game are you watching at 11pm?
today is in theory day 2 of a 2 week vacation, yet i have been working on day job stuff since before 5pm
@chrisorourke I know, unbelievable, huh? ;)
@brampitoyo okay, thanks for the info. We are looking into it right now. Appreciate your help!
@brampitoyo if u haven't tried CitySpeek in a few days give it a shot again. Just got word that our dev has fixed some Safari & IE7 recently
@brampitoyo We are working on Safari...just submitted a number of bugs and our dev is working on them. Should be cleared up any day
@gwalter Its both, actually. I have read Crucial Conversations and its one of my all time favorites. I have not read Confrontations yet
@brampitoyo and, CitySpeek can cross-post to Twitter so you don't have to worry about 'leaving' your network behind.
@brampitoyo another option is to create a group at CitySpeek for these topics and keep it all organized there. Its a PDX product, too :)
@donpdonp have you read Crucial Confrontations? I want to read it but just haven't gotten around to ordering.
@ryanwi well, I think they are being overly dramatic. The alert was just for more of the same tomorrow.
Portland is getting a severe weather alert on KATU right now
shat, just found a stupid formula error that's gonna cause me to go back and re-do a bunch of analysis.
I love how WeatherBug says that the Sunday high temp in Hillsboro (PDX) is 36. It hasn't been above 25 all day!
@Metroknow btw, that tweet reply to me was worthy of being favorited or whatever the word is.
@Metroknow ROFL! He, someone's gotta love Excel :) My favorite excel feature is "Goal Seek", so friggin useful!
my favorite excel formula is a simple one:"SumIf". So many uses!
If you are an Excel user, join me in this group so we can share tips & tricks
Thought I had a serious Excel forecasting problem but figured out my delta and all is good. That was a close one!


Chris Sacca Josh Bancroft Matthew Gifford Benjamin Jacobsen Jacob Reiff Scott Kveton Don Park Mark Friesen k1mb3rly Josh Pyles Michael Jones Betsy Richter Aaron Hockley Dawn Foster Global Nomad John Czwartacki Eddie Awad anselm hook Barack Obama Michael Arrington marshallk AdamD Andrew Maverick Hyde Carolynn Duncan sarah gilbert Cheryl Jones Brian M. Westbrook Rick Turoczy Jona Titus orangatame Paul Kedrosky Brent Logan J-P Voilleque Matt Payne Todd Kalhar
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