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Can you name three 'privacy advocates'? They are quoted everywhere. There must be millions of them. (Except they're private, I guess.)
Even as hateful as a troll can be, it's sad watching someon go insane before your eyes.
Real-life troll is going progressively more insane.
About to have long-overdue coffee with @jayrosen_nyu.
Is it my imagination (or a problem with the RSS feed I read from them) but has WSJ all but given up covering news media?
My long (sorry) response to @davewiner's good posts on the essential elements and structure of news:
@jayrosen_nyu Who was your nominee for Meet the Press? And what should the job spec be?
I hate that the damned light in my office declares me dead every 10 minutes, forcing me into St. Vitus' Dance to get light.
@sekimori What if the trolls are hanging out under the bridge of real life?
@JOHNABYRNE Can we follow them with a helicopter chase? Please?
Jon Stewart echoes my wife, being driven nuts by NY media treating Plaxico as bigger news than Mumbai (or pick 100 other stories).
Ozzie Osbourne is advertising both World of Warcraft and mobile phones. What's next?
@Lileks I was picturing my troll spittle-speckled.
Worst Week is growing on me.
Feeling crappy. Thinking it's from fending off a troll as if it were a virus. Anybody know a cure for trolls? Troll vaccine? Trollectomy?
@garyvee I'm so proud I bought this wine at Gary's store before he tweeted it. Just shows I'm cheap.
@dinakaplan Media giants cancel holiday parties, but not!
@garyvee I like the wine o' the month and community tasting. What tools do you use to capture taste? Twitter? GoogleDocs? Polls?
Bill for the Senate! (RT @jasoncalacanis)


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