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is a father. Again.
Needed: Lead Interaction Designer -
@abie, all about abundant intimacy, eh?
Don't you hate it when someone says they are coming to work for you, then bails the day before they are supposed to show up?
Thanks to @rogerohrbach I now place everything I come across in one of Covey's 4 Quadrants. Win and Fail, simultaneously. Hmph.
Oh, it gets worse -- the "juror orientation video" is so bad it's good. Except not quite that bad and thus not actually good.
Got the jury duty blues. At least they have (paid) wifi.
Up too late with the gibble
boiling a turkey carcass + Pandora on iPhone + tapioca pudding = my evening doesn't suck.
Damn you macchiato addiction. So few venues are competent.
needing better ways to entertain a 3-year-old
Finally joined the modern world. Got an iPhone. App recommendations?
Concentrating on the forest rather than the trees. But running into a lot of trees.
Massaging the Backlog to make ready for Sprint Planning - yeah, I actually talk like that.
Anyone have experience with Netflix watch instantly on Mac?
best fried chicken in SF?
deprioritizing my current reports until you advise me of a status upgrade - making the low hanging fruit my primary action items. Gibble.


David Ulevitch andy kiang Nate Anthony Tom Skapars Hiten Shah Sanford B Ryan Manville Devin Poolman Ryan Jones jeff reine Abie Jeni Jared Kim Sean Ness Roger Rohrbach RT David Weekly Charles Hudson Gary Arndt Sean Corfield Abir Majumdar David Hornik troy young STIRR Network Pete Vlastelica Seth Bindernagel Andrei Stewart Alsop jay liao Carolyn Ameet Ranadive Mark Rotblat Madeleine Moss Seth Familian Scott Fitchet jason libsch