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@radiofreesrini i remember those burritos from 15 years ago... mmmmmm.
shabbat shalom!
@josephpred I was there for HellCo, too, but I'm not a Level 5 cat herder although I heard five cats.
Hitler Downfall remixed again: Harley K Dubois leaves Burning Man
Preparing for the snow storm headed toward Lake Tahoe and the Sierras. Tomorrow: White Christmas!
Well, we're up and at 'em, good morning! 20°F outside, Lake Tahoe blue. Snow comes Saturday, it'll be near zero thereafter. Hello trees!
Good morning Lake Tahoe, you are gorgeous.
RT @quotations: "Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function." - Unknown
spent the afternoon getting a new ATT DSL up and running and wiring the bus power outlet so it doesn't freeze out there
19*F outside tonight. Brr!
happy birthday @jodim !!
@scottknaster Howard Cosell is on Facebook. I believe he lives in the east bay.
loading the bus now. I'm going to be exhausted before I drive a mile tonight.
@tubatron are those the guys that owned the Wilt Chamberalin house until last year?
RT @quotations: "Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use." - Wendell Johnson


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