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almost 2am :( school in morning, must sleep
Alright twitter, its time for the safety dance
@jimwhimpey InFiction — like a book in fiction
@37signals please fix basecamp. Deleting the line returns that I purposely put in my message for clean readability, is a bug. Thank you.
@fizzboy yeah I just want CS:S, I've got a 360 for everything else. there is a $515 price difference between mb/mbp, i can buy a pc for that
@fizzboy says CS:S runs fine, new games run with medium settings (farcry/fallout)
@fizzboy the new macbook is supposedly 5x as powerful as previous macbook graphics, it now has NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
@fizzboy do you think the new macbook graphics are capable of running CS:S level games?
if i were to buy a macbook, should i go with macbook pro or regular macbook, only downfall i see with regular is less video card ram
@jimwhimpey although CoD4 is based on modern guns, while world at war is based on WWII guns. Its really the same game with a different skin
@jimwhimpey CoD:WAW is newer, so more people are playing it right now — and its all about the multiplayer, so I would say world at war
@jimwhimpey yeah call of duty 4/waw are amazing first person shooters, I highly recommend them.
ok starting on a huge homework assignment, closing twitter, turning up music
@djloche i'll take a pic or two that may be worthy of desktop
beautiful snow outside
@garrickvanburen can you follow a query? that would be an awesome feature
To all those working in web: please note that there are three states of a button, and hover should not push the button, pushing it should...


Evan Williams rabble Ian McKellar Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Blake Burris Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Alex Hillman l.m. orchard Mike Rundle termie mies Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Zach Hale Mark Bao Josue Salazar Colin Devroe Bryan Indranil Dasgupta Beep. luxuryluke Snook Neo Geek Marko Mihelcic Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin Bryan Culver Christian Heilmann Scott Boms
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