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Great stuff on youth/civic engagement:
@jldevicente I have about three hours free before I head for the airport Friday. I don't have a phone with me. Not a smart move.
@flourish Tristan Harris, who created Apture, is definitely a young man to watch. I'm hoping he will intro it to my digital journo students
WaPo adopts Apture, very cool digital journo/gov transparency app:
@jldevicente Whenever I am asked whether I've been here before, I tell them about ArtFutura. ;-) You want to get together tomorrow night?
@jldevicente That was great fun. Thank you for introducing me to your beautiful city. I've been talking up ArtFutura. ;-)
@willrich45 My daughter was terrified of clowns. Finally figured out it was Dumbo. The clowns in that movie killed Dumbo's mom!
@cataspanglish @maxsenges is organizing evening get-togethers. It's just my days that UOC has claimed.
I found my own way around Barcelona the first time I was here, but the magic really got to me after being shown around by a local.
@xenijardin digital revolution is always good for a whiff of late 20th century
@CleverClogs You can sign up for the community of practice via the website. Hosted versions in a couple weeks, but u can download now
@cataspanglish @mtrends @mamk My time is not my own in Barcelona during days; @maxsenges is organizing evenings
@maxsenges Just got in. Caught an earlier flight from Schipol. Showering, will be ready to walk when you show up.
"helping the needy get nerdy since the beginning of the third millennium"
@CleverClogs One thing I did while you were radio-silent: http://socialmediaclassroom... @emilychang @samrose helped -- a lot
@CleverClogs We were trying to find money 2 get you 2 do ultimate News Radar guide for journos. I am still lookin. May have to roll my own
For some, the Net is a lifeline: I wrote about Blaine ten years ago! Go Blaine! Go Freegeek!
@Pistachio Sorry I will miss meeting you in Boston -- conflicting travel plans. Monitor Talent folks are first rate.
@CleverClogs Nice to see you tweeting again.


Evan Williams veen Jerry Michalski David Smith danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Ross tedr Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Dave Winer George Brett joshua schachter Jayne Jyri Engeström Mike Sugarbaker Zack Rosen Stowe Boyd Beth Kanter Jim Long Zadi Diaz Emily Chang Paul Jones Dina Lee LeFever Bradley Horowitz Euan Semple Ben Cerveny Burt Lum Justin Hall merci Boris
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