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A secret we tried to bury forever, unearthed:
Production journal for our most recent episode—a peek behind the scenes at our crew of 32 writers and producers at work:
I'm sorry, you *didn't* want to hear a dramatic reading of a Jewel poem over the "Humpty Hump" bass line? Then we have nothing to offer you.
So much depends upon a word that don't mean nothin' like "looptid"
YLNT VSOP Part I, "Selfish Express":
We're excited to have received a Podcast Award, although it was for the wrong category (Comedy?).
Some sort of shaman equipped with a Soul-Stealing Apparatus (an S.S.A., or "Camera") followed us around on Sunday:
Pictured: the @scottsimpson portion of @SeoulBrother's rigorous Carnation Evaluation Tribulation:
Oh. BY THE WAY. @SeoulBrother, in a private ceremony that you may never hear (technical issues), received. The. YLNT White Carnation.
More good election news: CA residents can now legally obtain YLNT for the treatment of glaucoma, rickets, and crabgrass.
Lots of nice "¡pǝʇoʌ I" pics coming in, but @potjie went the extra mile:
Sex in a voting booth = the "Zero Miles High" club.
Don't forget to wear your "I Voted" sticker upside down. It's a YLNT Secret Handshake.
One listener has contracted a terminal case of ERSF. YLNT Forum presents: the sad story of Satisfaction Island:
Turns out that Excessive Realism in Sexual Fantasies, a topic in our episode "Who Voted?", is a bona fide medical condition (DSM-IV p. 962).
Both @tylerball ( and @mrwarren ( have taken solid stabs at a YLNT drinking game.
It's sad. @scottsimpson would have a treasure trove of great pickup lines, if girls still wore Hypercolor.
Caveat: to make use of @lonelysandwich's SECRET SEDUCTION SECRETS, you'll need: (1) a turntable, (2) a Sharpie, and (3) LOTS of time alone.
Also in this week's episode: @lonelysandwich reveals his SECRET SEDUCTION SECRETS.
OK you can finally send in that ballot. YLNT Comprehensive Voter's Guide is finally here:


Jay Laney rae brune Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Grant Shellen Justin Williams Michael Ferguson Kurt Schrader Nick Douglas Paul Thrasher jeevs sinclair Paul Terry Walhus Robert Occhialini Coty Rosenblath Joseph Matheny Jason Ruby JHill Scott Beale Chip Hayner Erika Hall Steve Giovannetti Brian Brown Erik Bryn Daniel Johnson, Jr. Matthew Bischoff Joost Schuur Shawn Y. Adam Rakunas Daniel Markham James Andrews Robert Brook Curtis James Brian Robinson ed casey Jason Carroll Robert S Andersen
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