irina slutsky’s Favorites

Richard MacManus
rww Obama Says Internet Key to Economic Recovery
Veronica Belmont
Veronica New blog post: Kanye West gets a "tweetposter"
hotdogsladies People who are accustomed to closing any deal with a cheery, "It'd be great publicity!" are SO fun to disappoint.
MCHammer I am so comfortable and confident in my beliefs that I need not attack you about yours..However, I will take irresponsible rhetoric to task
Greg Oguss
lilbeck call me cynical but i'm not entirely convinced Tyra really writes the 'Tyra Mail' on ANTM.
MKDiMa Watching CNN and wondering why they always show that one bloody Adidas sandal after a bombing, no matter where in the world it exploded.
Mike Plakus
mplakus Just checked my @Replies section...My voting twitter on Nov 4 was featured on ABC News around 9:55 PM. OMG!
DennisEK5 damn bitch i dont feel like dancing with u! get a clue please.
Keith Williams
bonsai "Content is King, but voice is Queen"--Merlin Mann
Bre Pettis
bre OH: I am getting my nerd on like I never have before. I'm taking apart all kinds of stuff! I'm pushing the thick glasses up on my head!
Bill Palmer
billpalmer UPS guy just delivered a package and asked if he could come in and watch the election results for a minute. people are genuinely excited.
Mike Plakus
mplakus Just voted. Took 2 tries. Poll workers tried to get me to use a broken machine. I wasn't having any of it.
David Prager
dlprager actually having trouble sleep cause I'm nervous about the election
Questo of The Roots
qoolquest why is the only time in life i have an extensive conversation with heidi klum she has to have the blue man makeup on?
Questo of The Roots
qoolquest @KarrineSteffans where else can you get popeyes, an ipod in a vending machine, run into pharrell and kane, a massage, and 90 inch plasmas?
Robyn Tippins
duzins yeah, ok now Current is boring me. i tried to like it, i swear. hey Current, you need some help w/content programming.
Mary Hodder
MaryHodder @cianna everyone is racist. it's a good fantasy to get over if you had it that liberals were somehow not.
martinsargent Tomorrow: Interviewing @buckhollywood and @irinaslutsky The shed is going to be lousy with Internet Superstardom! What should I ask them?
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