Snook’s Favorites

Geoff Barnes
texburgher This muffin vs. cupcake madness has to stop. A compromise for your consideration: MuffCake.
Matt Brett
mattbrett Just had my first poop incident. As I opened Addison's diaper, she violently flipped over... shit EVERYWHERE! Worst.
Bryan Veloso
bryanveloso is irked. His iPhone's clock just jumped back 4 minutes. o_O;;
Doug March
Marchdoe OH "yeah we had a pinata once, but when we hit it nothing came out, mom didn't realize it didn't come with candy"
beep Word to your moms / I came to drop bombs / I got more tweets than the Bible's got Psalms
Shaun Inman
shauninman been one of those days. not a designer. not a developer. a computer babysitter. "Do you have enough RAM?" "Oh, you can't find the network?"
Gregg Scott
greggscott @snookca I'd like an iPhone app that would wash the dishes, pick the clothes up off the floor then give me a massage with a happy ending.
Martin Ringlein
mringlein you are not a real designer till u design something that gets someone laid ... until then u r just an amature
Carl Smith
carlsmith Some clients you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way she wants it... well, she gets it.
Zach Inglis
zachinglis OH: I'm not a werewolf, I'm a programmer who's akward around girls
Sarah Harrison
sourjayne Dear people who blog: You don't have to write a post apologizing for not posting much. Really. Truly. You don't. Thanks.
Carolyn Wood
carywood @snookca wow, like you are so like manly! i am so like blown away!
Lisa McMillan
lisamac I love it when I find chocolate bars that I left for my future self in the fridge. Thanks, past self.
Kyle Neath
kneath Man, Twitter even sucks at taking their own website down.
tiffehr Reaffirming my rule that you never bring an S.O. into my group of friends without 2 months prep for the sarcasm and high-context jokes.


Scott Fegette Mr Messina Mark Wubben Jeremy Hubert Thomas Vander Wal John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Josh Bryant Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Alex Hillman l.m. orchard Amit superamit Gupta Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Si Jobling Kyle Bradshaw Norm! Aaron Gustafson Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Nater Kane Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart
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